
Friday, September 6, 2013

September 2013


Change is in the Air
September 2013 will be a transitional month.  We will present you with projects to do, and provide you with the art to do it—free this month.
            Next month we’ll present the projects, then send you to Etsy to purchase the art you are interested in acquiring. (Very inexpensively) 
We will still have  freebies and a coloring book page, and will welcome any input you feel brave or generous enough to make. We hope this will make our blog more useful to you. Enjoy!

Teacher Appreciation Label

            As we start a new school year, teachers look for ways to make school welcoming to new students.  It might be fun to make school welcoming to your child’s teacher as well.
Here is a little teacher appreciation label to go with any teacher gift you may want to send.  You can copy and paste the colored and black and white labels, and decide for yourself if you want to use one or both labels.

The Coloring book page this month can be copied, pasted, and scanned into your computer. Then you can paint it in a program that employs some kind of flood fill device.  I have done one picture on the computer, and another one by hand with colored pencils. See what you can do with this month’s page!

Computer colored picture

Hand colored picture; colored pencil

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