
Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Lesson 6:  Pumpkin Decorating Fest

Pumpkin:  drawn, painted with acrylics, and detailed in black ink

"Spooky Jack"   Paint a profusion of Halloween art on a Jack-o-lantern

This lesson is pure Halloween fun.  You get a pumpkin to decorate, four Halloweenish patterns, and a page of big and little Halloween shapes to draw and use (or trace and use, as necessary).  You can use the basic patterns, the quilt patterns, and any of the other patterns we’ve had to decorate your pumpkin in any way you like. You can even make up your own patterns. Have fun being creative!

Assignment: Copy, paste, and print the pumpkin, then decorate it as explained above.

You are welcomed to send me a copy of your pumpkin to post on the profusionart blog!

Found below, are the pumpkin, the Halloween shapes, and the instructions for four new Halloween squares.  Following those are three more examples of decorated pumpkins.

Copy and paste, enlarge, and print this pumpkin; then decorate
Use these shapes as desired; print, trace, or manipulate on your computer
Below are the four new design squares. Draw the squares to use for future artwork.

Use these lines of art to carry and move the eye around in your picture

This versatile vine pattern can be used to fill large areas or pull sections together

This type of pattern can use any small shape. Or, make the shapes without borders

This is a great filler, or it can be used as a divider of compartments to fill with good things

The following are my example designs. 

Use your imagination and ENJOY!

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