
Tuesday, July 31, 2012


1)    Copy, (draw  by hand), the Profusion Art Squares or circles found on this website each month onto 4” cards and store in a binder for future use.
2)    Pick a theme, or not.
3)    Choose the square or circle patterns that fit your theme or whims.
4)    Lightly pencil a ribbon, or plan, on your paper--like you did in gradeschool.
5)    Use your plan as a guide to fill in areas with your chosen art. (Draw a mix of patterns, words, and objects into a piece of your own artwork)

  Example:  The patterns chosen for this project are pictured in the above 12 triangles. Choose a variety of dark, light, and medium values.

  1.  Now draw a ribbon or plan
 2.  Next, fill in each area with a pattern
 3.  Finally, darken the lines separating each pattern. In this case, the finished art is a "Crazy Quilt," but you could make any kind of a quilt.

6)    Be creative in using the patterns or invent your own. Find objects to draw that will help express your chosen theme. Above all else, take time to enjoy the journey!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome work Marie, it is so lovely to see you sharing your talent.
